Please read the Wiki page carefully before submission.
Accepted submission formats
Please build docker images and upload it to one of the following places:
- Docker Hub
- Github Container Registry
- Google Drive
Please copy and paste the repository link (or Google Drive shared link) in the field “
For private repositories, please add “FutureMIREX” (Docker Hub) or “futuremirex” (github) as a collaborator before you submit.
Example project
See below for an example project on Github. You can use it as a starter kit.
Extended abstract
An extended abstract is required for a valid submission. Please upload it to the forum and attach it to the topic.
- Format: PDF of 2-4 pages
- Written content in the “description” textbox does not count as a valid extended abstract.
- The extended abstract will be publicly visible after result publication.
- If you forgot to attach it or need to revise, please reply to the topic (using the same account as you post the topic) with the updated PDF.
Submission deadline
23:59 AoE, 20 October 2024 30 October 2024
You may post any questions related to the task in the forum.